Stories + Updates
Understanding “Best Interest” Advocacy in Child Welfare: Insights from Judges Calvert and Fernandes
When we hear the term "best interest" in child welfare, it’s easy to assume it refers to finding the perfect solution for a child. However, during a recent training sponsored by National CASA and led by Judges Calvert and Fernandes, we explored the true meaning of...
Board Member Spotlight: Brittney Mada
Originally from Frenchtown, Montana, Brittney Mada is an insatiable reader with a preference for escapist, world-building genres; a...
Board Member Spotlight: Jenn Weber
Meet Jenn Weber, a CASA board member, who brings passion, grit, and over a decade of dedication to improving lives. Outside of CASA,...
Jake’s CASA Story
In September of 2024, Jake aged out of foster care when he turned eighteen. To many in the community, he might just seem like another...