Stories + Updates
Natalie, Noah, & Nash
Natalie and Noah came into foster care for the second time after their mom relapsed into her addiction and was kicked out of her sober living home. Their dad was incarcerated and unable to parent his kids. When they came back into foster care, Noah had already spent half of his young life in the child welfare system. A judge soon appointed a newly sworn-in volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) to the two kids.
Parker and Eliza
Before his 5th birthday, Parker’s birth father had been incarcerated, and his mom, pregnant with his sister Eliza, was...
Rita had not yet reached her teenage years when her father overdosed in front of her. While he survived, child protective...
Board of Directors Spotlight – Andrea Horrell
CASA had been pulling at my heartstrings since I found out about it through a friend who became a volunteer Court Appointed Special...